As we begin to see the dogwoods bloom, we hope you are dreaming of hot sunny days around the pool! We are excited to gear up for the 2023 season at Woodmont Rec.
WRA Fiscal update
As a reminder, WRA has been running as a neighborhood pool since 1964. We are a tax-exempt non-profit, neighborhood owned recreation association. We are 100% volunteer board run. If you would like to know more about our organization you can access the bylaws here.
As you know WRA reported a healthy profitin 2021 & 2022 for the first time in many years. This is an exciting time for WRA.
Fiscal Situation Moving Forward
We thought long and hard about this years fee schedule. We desire to maintain our good financial progress, stengthen our cash savings , inituate a long term captial plan. WRA must keep up with the increased labor and material costs, and continue to address our deferred maintenance issues.
In recognition of rising inflation and appreciation that time is money… for 2023 WRA made the decision to keep membership fees flat but increase the value of your volunteer time (MVOP) by $25.
We felt this decision struck a balance between our need to increase revenue, our need for help, and the demands on your family’s time/ money.
A family of 4+ paying early bird pricing in-full AND forfilling their 5 hrs of volunteer time will join at $490 (less than 2022 rate!!!).
We hope you appreciate our strategy…Early bird pricing will be honored through May 1st!
During the off-season, we have made some significant investments that will improve your experience at WRA and help ensure its financial security moving forward.
$8,000 Replace tiles, groutline, coping stones
$4,500 to drain our to dry the back parking lot
$2,000 ongoing commitment to landscaping.
$1,500 for bottle filler to reduce plastic waste….
$20k to savings to address larger future projects
A number of other smaller cosmetic upgrades including paint, signage and storage are ongoing.
We still need help!
If you’re anything like us, you can see a million little things that need doing around the pool. Please know we all see different things and we are volunteer-run so there isn’t someone on tap and ready to resolve the issue. We are eager for member-driven projects to be completed! Our accounts don’t have a huge amount of flexibility for high dollar projects, but if you are willing to take the lead on organizing a project we can often swing for paint, wood, nails etc….Let us know! Reach out to Sarah (Treasurer) to propose a plan to the board.
Membership Plans for 2023
We have maintained our membership structure for the 2023 season. We will explore opening one-month options after June 1st if our capacity allows.
We hope this clarifies our fee structure to accommodate everyone in all situations. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Sarah (membership).
All tiers have the ability to pre-pay the whole summer now or set up monthly instalments. We are offering early bird pricing through May 1st
MVOP is pre-billed for all and upon completion and request is reimbursed back to you. If you sign up to help with all the pool opening tasks you can have your MVOP knocked out and refunded back before the pool even opens.
If you are ready to sign up, click here to head over to the site now
Finally, there are still a few lifeguard openings for the 2023 summer. The WRA’s preference is to recruit from member and neighborhood families first. Please contact Aaron Lowery (adlowe1@yahoo.com) if you know of someone interested in lifeguarding.
We look forward to having fun and making memories during Summer 2023
Your volunteer WRA Board
Aaron, Sarah, Ginger, Jesse, Brian, and Abbie
Are you a local business or service looking to sponsor our swim team? Get recognized in our community by appearing on our website and apps!